Each of us is unique. Bring conscious awareness to who you are and your current state of health and aging.

Recognize Tools

How old you really are?

Biological age vs Chronological age

Chronological age refeers to the time a person has been alive. Calculated based on the date of birth. It tells how many years, months, and days a person has lived.  

Biological age refeers to how old a person's really is based on the deterioration of it's organism. Calculated via various biomarkers and health indicators. It give insights into an individual's overall health, risk of disease, and even life expectancy.
Self-awareness and Personal Growth
Practices that promote self-awareness, such as mindfulness, have been widely studied and linked to various positive outcomes.
Research on mindfulness-based interventions in the workplace has shown benefits in stress reduction, improved focus, and enhanced teamwork. Link.
Personality Typologies and Communication
Studies on personality typologies, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Big Five, have illuminated how individual behavior traits can impact team dynamics, leadership tendencies, and communication styles can greatly enhance team cohesiveness and performance in work settings. Link
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
The importance of incorporating emotional intelligence in the workplace to understand one's emotions and navigate relationships has been extensively studied and linked to effective leadership, team performance, and business success.. Link
Workplace Well-Being and Job Satisfaction
Individuals who align with their unique strengths and characteristics tend to lead more fulfilling lives. Aligning with personal strengths and values not only contributes to research on employee well-being and job satisfaction but also enhances overall performance. Link